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Never one to sit back and relax, in 2017 Dr Ian Dunbar was on a mission to re-evaluate the world of dog training and came to the UK to share his views.  He presented four days of seminars for Dog and Bone ( These seminars are now available as four sets of 2 DVDs.


This product is:


Day 1 - Behaviour and Training Problems (everything but biting and fighting) 

This seminar offers preventative measures and simple solutions for the most common dog behaviour problems, including: house-soiling, destructive chewing, excessive barking, digging, separation anxiety, no recall, running away, pulling on-leash, jumping-up and hyperactivity. 

This 1-day lecture is suitable for dog trainers and pet dog owners 

2 disc set

150/148 mins 

Behaviour and Training Problems (everything but biting and fighting)

  • The world's leading authority on puppy training and dog behaviour, Dr. Ian Dunbar is a veterinarian, animal behaviourist and writer. The original creator and populariser of off-leash puppy classes, he has led a doggy revolution in fun, reward-based dog-friendly dog training.

  • Feedback from some of our attendees from this event:

    "Loved all four days"

    "Blown away"

    "Learned so much"

    "Fantastic and inspiring four days"

    "Amazing, engaging and informative"

    "Lots of useful info, well communicated"

    "Ian is the Willy Wonka of the dog world"

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