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Film and TV work - our services

Dog and Bone supplies trained dogs and other animals for:

  • Adverts

  • TV programs

  • Films

  • Photo shoots

  • Theatre shows

We are fully licensed and insured and we have over 100 dogs available throughout the UK. We run workshops for new dogs to our database.

Performing Animals Licence - (our Licence: ANI/8340)

Yorkshire terrier Molly on set

Since April 2019, anyone who exhibits, uses or trains animals for public performance (for example in a circus, television or film production, or a theatre performance) in England, Scotland or Wales must have a valid Performing Animals Licence from their local council. We are licensed by North Hertfordshire District Council (licence number ANI/8340). If you use another agency to supply a performing animal, please remember to check they are licensed and insured.

RSPCA and guidelines for performing animals

The RSPCA provide advice and support to people using, or thinking of using, animals in any production environment. Following good welfare practice not only reduces risk to a production, but protects animals and helps those using animals to stay within the law. To help protect the animals used in any sort of production they have produced RSPCA Guidelines for the Welfare of Performing Animals which you can download for free from the performing animals section of the RSPCA website (

Next steps


Want to be added to our 'available dogs' list? ----> Visit our 'seminars' page to attend our next course

Want to hire a dog? ----> Contact us to get a quote

Want to hire another animal? ----> Visit our 'other animals' page or Contact us to discuss your requirements

Interested in hosting a Dog & Bone seminar? ----> Visit our Hosting a seminar page

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